

It is a matter of great pleasure that our country has been making good efforts in various fields of activities in recent times. With the liberalization and globalization introduced a couple of decades ago, the country has been witnessing remarkable advancement on the socioeconomic front. However, the fruits of advancement have not been uniform and equitable as there are large sections of people in the country whose living conditions have not showed much improvement. Although the governments, both at the Centre and states, have been putting in painstaking efforts there are still large pockets of deprivement in urban and rural areas of the country.

The experience of NGOs have revealed that government alone would not be able to improve the living conditions of such hapless citizens throughout the country. The role of such agencies acquires importance and relevance in this respect. It is no denying the fact that the advancement this far has been possible with the joint efforts of governments and voluntary organizations.

We at Bhartiya Jan Jeevan Kalyan Seva Samiti has been alive to the above circumstance in the country and has been striving for ameliorating the living conditions of the deprived and disadvantaged sections of people both in rural and urban areas. It is to our credit that we have been able to conceive and implement many such developmental programs for the holistic development of the poor and deprived sections of people and improve their living conditions. During the year under review the organization has initiated many such programs and we are happy to present before you this Annual Report. The unfolding pages of this report would throw light on the humanitarian efforts put in by this organization.

The commendable achievements would not have been possible without the liberal support and cooperation of our donor agencies and departments to whom the organization wishes to express its words of thanks and gratitude. It also appeals for continuance of such support and coordination in future also. Our words of thank are also goes to the volunteers, field workers, project functionaries, resource persons, well wishers and members of the organization for their relentless commitment and dedication to the programs and initiatives implemented by the organization from time to time.

E-mail: bhartiyajanjeevan@Gmail.com



Bhartiya Jan Jeevan Kalyan Seva Samiti has been working in the Government and Private sector to lead the process for poverty alleviation through a dedicated and sensitive support structure from national upto Gram Panchayat level that focuses on building and sustaining organizations of the rural poor for collective action based on Self-Help Groups (SHGs) and educational activities. The collectives generate demand form the system, and build linkages with mainstream institutions to reduce poverty at household level. By 2024- 2025, the Mission would reach 10000 poor rural households across India. It presently reaches 15000 households mobilized into 1500 SHGs in 03 states, 78 Districts, 374 Blocks and 1900 Gram Panchayats.

Poverty is a key manifestation of exclusion - due to deep-rooted prejudices and practices which deprive significant proportion from participating fully in economic, social, political and cultural life, often with violent manifestations, particularly for women. Exclusion has multi-generational impact on specific sections of our population, as their opportunities for development are hindered by lack access to income, employment, land, housing, infrastructure, and lack of access to basic essential services. Women's participation is also limited as they traditionally do not have voice or decision-making powers within households, and their rights and dignity are not accorded equal respect and protection by planners. Across our country, in varying degrees, age, sex, disability, race, ethnicity, religion, migration status, socioeconomics status, place of residence, and sexual orientation and gender identity have been grounds for social exclusion over time.

Efforts to promote social inclusion are an intrinsically built into the design of organization. However, there was a need for more clarity on how these have to be transacted and monitored, as this is a complex inter-generational cycle of deprivation. The Government of India's and Private sector is based on the systematic identification of vulnerabilities analyzed by the Socio-Economic Caste Census data in 2015, which has given us a specific set of 10.3 crores most vulnerable households. They key policies of the government across ministries and departments like Poverty Free Panchayats and doubling of income of farmers are being converged to address the needs of these households, and I am proud to state that BJJKSS leads the process of converging these timebound goals to end absolute poverty in our country.

To further strengthen and enhance the process of identifying socially, educational and cultural excluded and addressing hinderances in their inclusion in the social and economic fabric of the country, BJJKSS and Nabard have collaborated to address key issues related to social development and social inclusion. The training modules and tools on social inclusion have been developed after an extensive process of consultations and studies of best practices across the country. The manuals consolidate the knowledge, theoretical framework of action, protocols, and tools for implementation and monitoring at every level of the BJJKSS system. I am thankful to the staff and experts of BJJKSS who have worked diligently to develop these key documents, for its continued support through providing technical inputs and crucial human resource support. We are also grateful for the resource support provided by the Nabard for their steadfast support and encouragement to the efforts of the Ministry of Rural Development to address issues of poverty and education empowerment of women.

E-mail: faizanlko2012@Gmail.com

Infrastructure Facilities

Bhartiya Jan Jeevan Kalyan Seva Samiti has it’s registered office in the Lakhimpur Kheri district, corporate office in Lucknow and branch offices atvarious districts for project implementation and venues for meeting /training purpose. The offices are adequately furnished with modern equipment’s such as computer systems, training ad, necessary furniture and fixtures, electrical and electronic equipment, communication system etc. As far as human resource is concerned, it has a dedicated team of 13 administrative staff looking after the administration, control, accounts and other related activities of the organization. Besides this, there is another team of dedicated project staff including field workers, programs associates, trainers, teachers and volunteers. All are qualified and experienced to implement the projects run by the organization. Further the organization hasapanel of experts whose services are engaged as and when required as per program needs. The organization follows sound HR policy for recruitment and appointment of staff.

Staff Strength
S.No Staff Male Female Total
1 Programs Staff 50 35 85
2 Administrative Staff 9 4 13
3 Experts 3 1 4
4 Consultants 3 - 3
5 Volunteers 60 30 90

Technical Board Management

Staff Strength
1 Shri Ram Chandra Asthana Founder | General Secretary
2 Shri Faizan Khan Chairman
3 Shri Afsar Gauri Vice President
4 Shri. Zabir Khan Secretary
5 Shri Ambrish Asthana Treasurer

The management of the organization is vested on the board of members which are Eleven in numbers. The office bearers consisting of the Patron, Chairman (Chief Functionary), Vice-President, General Secretary, Secretary, Treasurer and Five members take care of the respective responsibilities of the organization. The board members normally meet on quarterly basis and in addition, special meetings are conducted depending upon the need and urgency of matters. The board passes necessary resolution before submitting programs and projects for approval to the donor departments/agencies. In matters of recruitment and appointments, procurement of equipment’s and materials and monitoring financial and programs matters, the board exercises necessary control, supervision and direction for achieving optimum results. The management information system in the organization keeps the board members informed about all financial and programs implementation activities in the organization. Regular monthly meetings are conducted with the concerned project/office staff for reviewing the programs activities, Detailed deliberations are conducted in the meetings and decision are arrived after reaching a consensus on major issues. Reporting relationship is also maintained both upwards and downwards with regular flow of information. The board also reviews the work of the organization and gives necessary directions based on feedbacks from the field.